The results showed that the dust organic extraction and its polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, organic acids, polar compounds increased micronucleus and SCE frequency significantly with a dose effect. 结果表明,粉尘有机提取物及其有机酸、多环芳烃、极性化合物可使微核率和SCE率显著增高,并有一定的剂量-反应关系。
The obtained polar components of heavy crude oil and sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate as an emulsifier were added to simulated oil of toluene and n-dodecane mixtures. The effects of polar components and emulsifier additive on the interfacial tension were investigated as well as the effect of pH value. 以甲苯、正十二烷为模拟油,添加稠油极性组分和乳化剂十二烷基苯磺酸钠,分别考察了稠油极性组分和乳化剂添加前后体系界面张力的变化以及pH值对体系界面张力的影响。
This article discusses in an all-round way on the two-polar strategy's definition, posture, necessity, and feasibility, and argues that the key in putting the two-polar strategy into effect is the higher leading body's scientific policy-making. 文章对二极战略的定义及其态势、必要性与可行性等进行了全面探讨,认为实施社会主义二极战略的关键在于高层科学决策。
The influence of far-infrared radiation from polar crystalline tourmaline on the surface tension of water was investigated. The effect of spontaneous electric field of tourmaline was eliminated using soild – liquid seperation method. 用固液分置法排除电气石自发电场对水的影响,研究了极性晶体电气石辐射的远红外线对水表面张力的影响规律。
Furthermore, the theories of county territory economy development, such as regional growing polar theory, positive and negative effect of agglomeration-radiation, comparative advantage of county territory economy, regional division of labor and etc., are put forward. 其次介绍了县域经济发展的理论基础,包括区域增长极理论、集聚&辐射的正负效应,县域经济比较优势与区域分工合作等理论观点;
During the summer polar daylight, the ionized effect of the solar EUV radiation makes the ionospheric electron density much larger and the peak time of the diurnal variation of f oF 2 1-2 hr earlier than that in winter. 夏季极昼时,太阳EUV辐射的电离效应使电离层电离密度比冬季值大许多,而且,日变化的最大值时间也提前了1~2h。
The effective Hamiltonian of the ideal surface exciton in polar crystal is derived, taking account of the effect from the surface modes of lattice vibration and on ground of an one-phonon approximation. 计及晶格振动表面模的影响,在单声子近似下,导出了极性晶体中理想表面激子的有效哈密顿量。
This algorithm is based on the Kalman filter and the algorithm in rectangular coordinate is combined with the algorithm in polar coordinate. The shortages of the algorithms with the two coordinates are overcome and the tracking effect on the maneuvering target is very good. 该算法以卡尔曼滤波器为基础,直角坐标系下和极坐标系下的算法相联合,不仅克服了两种坐标系下滤波算法的不足,而且对机动目标有很好的跟踪效果。
On the contrary, the increase of the polar pitch can increase the stirring intensity, but has little effect on the stirring region. 在搅拌器长度和其它参数一定的情况下,增大搅拌器的极距却不影响搅拌的作用范围,但却使搅拌强度明显提高。
Dependence of polar Kerr effect on electron spin exchange splitting 极向Kerr效应对电子自旋交换劈裂的依赖性
The influence of polar vortex on rainfall is weaker than on air temperature, but the effect on in the drainage area of Yangtse River and Yellow River is notable. 极涡对降水的作用比稍弱一些,但对长江及黄河流域及之间广大区域的作用还是显著的。
The tyPe ⅱ Pyrethroids also decreased the fluorescence Polarization of ANS on the membranes, indicating the increase in the mobility of polar head groups of lipid bilayers, but no such effect was induced by type I compounds. 而无α-氰基的拟除虫菊酯能增加突触体膜的流动性,但对脂双层极性头部的活动程度无明显影响。
Application of a scaled particle theory to polar solute system and calculation of the salt effect constant 定标粒子液体理论应用于极性溶质体系及其盐效应系数的计算
The process conditions and effects for electrochemically treating metal dyeing wastewater are discussed, and the polar effect is analysed in deep. 讨论了电化学方法处理金属着色废水的工艺条件和效果,对电极效应作了深入分析。
The solvent effect calculations proposed that the polar solvent efficiently compensated for the long-range electrostatic effect. 极性溶剂极大地消除了静电效应影响。
The results indicated that the method of polar analysis could be used precisely to analyze the effect on land-scape change and detect the direction of anthropogenic disturbance reasonably. 结果表明,人为影响类型极性分析法可以较理想地定量描述景观结构变化作用的方向和程度。分析表明,其单糖组成为Glc。
The dependence of polar Kerr effect on electron exchange splitting energy is investigated by using the microscopic quantum theory and energy band transition model. 用微观量子理论和能带跃迁模型,研究了极向磁光Kerr效应对电子自旋交换劈裂能依赖性。
Both algorithm bandwidth are studied and the fact that frequency domain polar format algorithm has no range bandwidth expanding effect in high precision spaceborne spotlight SAR imaging is pointed out. 又对两算法带宽进行研究,指出在高精度的星载聚束SAR成像时,频域极坐标算法不存在时域极坐标算法的距离带宽展宽效应。
The contents of free amino acids, especially the polar amino acids and proline in leaves of wheat plants significantly increased under drought stress, and the effect of drought stress on the levels of free amino acid during elongation periods were more evident than that during anthesis. 干旱胁迫下小麦体内游离氨基酸含量明显增高,特别是极性氨基酸和脯氨酸对干旱胁迫较为敏感,拔节期土壤干旱对小麦叶片中游离氨基酸影响比开花期干旱大。
Due to the lack of polar sites on protein conglomerates, the alcoholic leached SPC did not get enough plasticizing effect from existed water. 由于蛋白质聚集微粒表面的极性吸附点减少,致使醇法大豆浓缩蛋白无法获得有效的塑化作用。
At the same time, it can be seen that the accuracy of VLE calculation of the polar system has a great effect on the prediction of the hydrate formation conditions. 同时可以看出,极性体系相平衡计算的准确性对水合物生成条件预测有很大的影响。
When the alkyl chain was the same, the compound with a glucopyranose as its polar group led to better permeation effect. 当所接侧链的碳链长度相同时,极性基团为吡喃葡萄糖环的化合物促渗性能最好。
After the low voltage electrolytic production process, electrolytic temperature varying combined with voltage changing have been researched, the relations between the current efficiency and polar distance are achieved, and the effect of current strengthening to current efficiency is analysed. 通过对低电压铝电解生产工艺、电解温度和电压变化的研究,获得了极距与电流效率的关系,分析了电流强化对电流效率的影响。
On contrary to carbon particles-filled polar polymer composites, CB with higher surface oxygen content was easier to agglomerate and form networks in HDPE, and the effect that CB particles were confined by HDPE chains becomes weak with increasing the surface oxygen content of CB. 与炭黑填充极性聚合物相反,表面含氧量高的炭黑在HDPE中更容易凝聚形成网络,非极性HDPE链段对炭黑的束缚作用随炭黑粒子表面含氧量的增加而减小。
Recently, experimental and theoretical results have shown that the aggregation effect among the polar molecules has important effect on two-photon absorption properties. 最近,实验及理论工作者发现,极性分子之间的聚集效应对分子双光子吸收性质有重要的影响作用,聚集效应受到人们的广泛关注。
The five different polar extracts all can inhibit the growth of the hepatoma cell. There is 40% methanol has strongest inhibition effect for the hepatoma cell growth. It is the major activity part in the Qichun Artemisiae argyi tannins to antitumor in vitro. 4. 6个不同极性的提取物均具有抑制肝癌细胞生长的作用,其中40%甲醇部位对肝癌细胞的生长抑制作用最强,是蕲艾鞣酸体外抗肝癌主要的活性部位。
There was a research before which found that the osmolyte stabilizing effect have negative correlations with the ratio of polar group surface area of their molecules. However, it failed to consider the molecular volume which could represent the steric exclusion effect, therefore had some deviations. 之前有研究发现渗透剂对蛋白质的稳定能力与它的分子表面的极性基团表面积比例呈反比关系,但忽略了分子体积所代表的空间位阻效应的影响,因此存在一定误差。
Polar plate, one of the key components of DMFC, has an important effect on mass transfer and current collection of the passive DMFC. 极板对燃料扩散、电流收集等方面具有重要的影响,是DMFC的关键组成部件之一。
Large macromolecular chain with the side groups, strongly polar substituents, the more number of side groups in the movement chain can significantly increase the friction, then significantly improve the damping effect. 大分子链上有大的侧基、强极性取代基团、较多数目的侧基都会使链段运动的内摩擦能明显增加,从而显著提高阻尼作用。
As the most important characteristics of the underlying surface in Polar Regions, sea ice has a significantly effect on the global atmosphere, ocean circulations, and climate change. 海冰作为极地下垫面最重要的特征,对全球大气、海洋环流和气候变化均有极其重要的影响。